What is a Homestay?

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A homestay provides an opportunity to stay with a local family for a fee.

It’s an affordable accommodation alternative, ideal for independent leisure travellers of all ages, interns, gap year students, students living abroad and anyone seeking a real and genuine travel experience. It allows them to experience the local community and culture of the place they’re visiting.

Our hosts all have their own unique interests and hobbies and guests often find a host with similar interests which further complements the homestay experience.

Hosts can help their guests find their feet in a new place, whether it’s help with local orientation or places to eat. It’s also a convenient, value-for-money way to book accommodation when attending an event or conference.

Who stays in a homestay?

Moving to another country can be an overwhelming experience. On arriving you’re in unfamiliar territory, and if you’re on your own, or with your other half, it can be intimidating at first.

Homestays offer that extra bit of familiarity which other forms of accommodation can’t. Your host will be able to give you tips on you what parts of the city are suitable for settling down in long-term, how to find a grocery store, bus stop, what are the best things to do, what are the best ways to get around, where and what are the best restaurants and more.

If you want to eradicate any apprehension from your experience, staying in a homestay is a good way to achieve that.

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Benefits of Staying in a Homestay

Moving to a new city Moving to a new destination is both daunting and exciting. On arrival, you’re in unfamiliar surroundings, and it takes time to